Takashi Matsumoto:(untitled)
2009.3.2(月) ~ 3.14(土)
13:00~19:00 日・祝日休み
reception party 3.7(土)18:00-20:00
Artist Biography
Takashi Matsumoto was born in 1984 in Kawasaki. He lived his childhood without thinking of idea of the art. He started to record himself after realizing his existence. At that time, he would tend to choose time and historical events as a subject. In 1998, he moved to Yokohama, and he spent his adolescence there. Based on the feeling of his body changing and growing, he started to record what and when he ate. In 2004, he entered Tyler School of Art Japan Campus. In 2009, he will earn his BA in Digital Art and a minor in Art History. He studied art academically for the first time and started photographing the subject, repeatition, in which he is still capturing.
Takashi Matsumoto |
1984年川崎に生まれる。芸術という概念とは疎遠な幼少期を送る。物心がついた頃から記録を初める。この頃、時間や史実を記録の対象とする傾向が見受けられる。1998年に横浜に移る。幼少期を過ごした川崎を隣町とし、青春期をそこで送る。体の成長を実感するこの時期に食べた物などの体に取り入れていく物が対象になり初める。2004年Tyler School of Art Japan Campusデジタルアート学部に入学し、美術史を専攻する。ここで初めて芸術を学び本格的に写真を撮り始る。現在反復を対象にし、東京を中心に活動中。
松本隆志 |